Racine’s Silver Lake Kitchen
Documenting Racine’s Silver Lake Kitchen 2019 - 2023 cont.
In the winter of 2019 I started painting objects from my neighbors kitchen. Racine has been a Silver Lake resident since the early 1970’s and has lived in the same apartment since arriving in Silver Lake from the East coast. I first met Racine in 2018, when I was here for a residency at the International Printing Museum, Carson. When I moved to L.A. in 2019 I helped him out every 2nd Friday - cleaning his home & running errands. It wasn’t until early 2020 that I suggested to Racine it might be nice to paint one of his objects as party of my Daily Series….the project developed from there.
Photo: Louise Hyatt
Wednesday 21 December 2022
Here’s how the collaborative process goes: John & I select an object together…sometimes John has an idea of what he might like to do next…I then take the object back to my studio (just down the road) & paint it. Then I take the finished painting back to John, along with the object. We then record the history of the object. So far, I have painted & recorded fifty objects.
Check out my Instagram @drawingacrowd for more videos & stories. You can support this facinating project by collecting the paintings here »
Photo: Louise Hyatt
Thursday 30 December 2021