Setting lead takes time!!
After the urban crew dropped by to review the book and sign-off on a few things, I've had time to set the first print. The crew commissioned a promo flyer and poster for the Festival of Urbanism launch. I have set the copy in Garamond Light Roman 12pt. This compliments the 24pt Grotesque (SYDNEY WE NEED TO TALK!) logotype developed last week. Last night I scanned and enlarged the type for the poster - we'll be printing it in 2 sizes; Colby (14" x 22") and Full Sheet Litho (102cm x 72cm). I'll start printing them today at SCA. The Colby size posters will be available on for sale on my website next week. #staytuned
People have been asking - who are you collaborating with? Who are The Urban Crew? Well - here we are: Brittany Betteridge, Pratichi Chatterjee, Leah Emmanuel, Amy Fairall, Bradley Garrett, Mini Graff, Kurt Iveson, Rupert Legg, Sophia Maalsen, Marilu Melo, Wendy Murray, Madeleine Pill, Dallas Rogers, Jathan Sadowski, Alistair Sisson, Amanda Tattersall, Sophie Webber.