Sydney OPERA HOUSE : Draw the House by Wendy Murray

Draw the House

With Todd Fuller, Antonia Pesenti, Wendy Murray and Shireen Taweel

Create a range of drawings inspired by one of the world's most iconic buildings.

Once a month join like-minded creative souls to explore the Opera House and its surroundings through the eyes of an artist. Working with a different artist each month, explore various drawing techniques, and perspectives inspired by one of the world's most iconic buildings. 

You will also learn from an expert Tour Guide about the influence of visual arts in the Opera House history, including the beautiful tapestries that grace our venues and foyer spaces. 

Drawing is practical as an architectural and engineering blueprint, but it is also a tool for creative expression and making meaning, visually documenting what we see or imagine on paper, for others to view, interpret and enjoy.

From the very beginning, drawings have played a significant role in the Opera House’s history – a global architectural competition saw entries from all over the world, where a relatively unknown Danish architect, Jorn Utzon, became the winner of a new National Opera House for Sydney. Utzon’s original and somewhat controversial design was an imaginative sculptural response that the judges were convinced would be ‘capable of becoming one of the great buildings of the world’. 

Register here >

CEMENTA Spirit of '21 by Wendy Murray

The Spirit of ‘21 is the ghost of what we have lost and the spirit of what remains.  It is gone, still here, past away and alive, it is anxious and undaunted, it is dematerialised and undiminished. It is our sorrow and resilience, the exuberance of fear, our ability to laugh and to play, to love and to hope, to dream and create all of which is to risk ourselves, to lose because loss marks the value of what we have. It is the spirit that spans the distances and differences that separate us.  

The online festival will start  on  11:45am Friday October 15, 2021

Wendy Murray | A little action can create big change!

Do you have an opinion you want to share with the world? Want to make change but don’t know how? Ever thought of making a poster but don’t know where to start? 

If you’ve said yes to any of the above, this workshop is for you. We’re going to make some tiny posters that will have a big impact!

Watch this empowering workshop which was pre-recorded with participation from the So21 audience on Saturday 9th October 2021.